Cat. no. OE

Morceau de savon présentant des formes automatiques Modern Style trouvé dans un lavabo

Piece of soap presenting Modern Style automatic shapes, found in a washbasin

Piece of soap presenting Modern Style automatic shapes, found in a washbasin

Cat. no. OE 5

Piece of soap presenting Modern Style automatic shapes, found in a washbasin



Unique Original Work
Salvador Dalí i Domènech - Gyula Halász, àlies Brassaï
Photograph and found object or object of automatic origin
17.5 x 23.5 x cm
The dimensions correspond to the original print run of the photograph
On the back: Sculptures involontaires / Morceau de savon suscitant des / formes automatiques 'Modern' Style trouvé / dans un lavabo
Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne - Centre de création industrielle, Paris
Between 1932-1933, Dalí took on the artistic direction of a series of photographs made with Gyula Halász, alias Brassaï (1899-1984), in which certain objects, probably of automatic origin, acquire a new conceptual and artistic dimension, grounded in the essence of the photographic image. Several of these photographs were published anonymously in 1933 in the magazine Minotaure, under the heading ‘Sculptures involontaires’, each with a descriptive title drawing attention to details of the work. This title almost certainly refers once again to Dalí’s article ‘Concerning the Terrifying and Edible Beauty of Art Nouveau Architecture’, published in the same issue of Minotaure.