- Cat. no. P
- 661
Tête Raphaèlesque éclatée (Exploding Raphaelesque Head)

Cat. no. P 661
Exploding Raphaelesque Head
- Date:
- 1951
- Technique:
- Oil on canvas
- Dimensions:
- 43.2 x 33.1 cm
- Signature:
- Signed and dated right below: Dalí / 1951
- Location:
- Scottish National Gallery, Edimburg. Permanent loan of Miss Stead-Elis, Summerset
- Mr. Stead, H. Stead-Ellis, England
- *Although the "I Bienal Hispanoamericana de Arte” (1st Biennial of Latin American Art) was held in Madrid from 12 October 1951 to 28 February 1952, we know that Dalí’s works were exhibited only during the shorter period of time we have indicated in the Exhibitions section.
- 1951, París, Galerie André Weil, Exposition Salvador Dali, 22-6-1951 - 4-8-1951, no reference
- 1951, London, The Lefevre Gallery, Dalí, December 1951, cat. no. 4
- 1952, Madrid, Salas de la Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte, 1º Bienal Hispanoamericana de Arte *, 22-1-1952 - 24-2-1952, no reference
- 1964, Tokyo, Tokyo Prince Hotel Gallery, Salvador Dalí : exhibition - Japan 1964, 8-9-1964 - 18-10-1964, cat. no. 45
- 1965, New York, Gallery of Modern Art, Salvador Dalí, 1910-1965, 18-12-1965 - 13-3-1966, cat. no. 129
- 1970, Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Dalí, 21-11-1970 - 10-1-1971, cat. no. 80
- 1971, Baden-Baden, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Dalí: Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Objekte, Schmuck, 29-1-1971 - 28-3-1971, cat. no. 67
- 1973, Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Salvador Dali, 6-10-1973 - 2-12-1973, cat. no. 31
- 1974, Frankfurt am Main, Städtische Galerie und Städelsche Kunstinstitut, Salvador Dalí, 14-3-1974 - 5-5-1974, cat. no. 17
- 1980, London, The Tate Gallery, Salvador Dalí, 14-5-1980 - 29-6-1980, cat. no. 204
- 1983, Madrid, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, 400 obras de Salvador Dalí del 1914 al 1983, 15-4-1983 - 29-5-1983, cat. no. 354
- 1985, Charleroi, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Picasso, Miró, Dalí : évocations d'Espagne, 26-9-1985 - 22-12-1985, cat. no. 38
- 1989, Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, 13-5-1989 - 23-7-1989, cat. no. 247
- 1989, Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Salvador Dali, 16-12-1989 - 11-3-1990, cat. no. 54
- 1996, Barcelona, La Pedrera, Dalí. Arquitectura, 19-6-1996 - 25-8-1996, cat. no. 26
- 2000, Hartford, Connecticut, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Dalí's optical illusions, 21-1-2000 - 26-3-2000, cat. no. 51
- 2003, Düsseldorf, Museum Kunst Palast, The Endless enigma : Dalí and the magicians of multiple meaning, 22-2-2003 - 9-6-2003, p. 46
- 2004, Venezia, Palazzo Grassi, Dalí, 12-9-2004 - 16-1-2005, cat. no. 220
- 2009, París, Galeries Nationales. Grand Palais, Une image peut en cacher une autre: Arcimboldo, Dali, Raetz, 8-4-2009 - 6-7-2009, cat. no. 206
- 2012, París, Centre Pompidou, Dalí, 21-11-2012 - 25-3-2013, p. 275
- 2013, Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Dalí. Todas las sugestiones poéticas y todas las posibilidades plásticas, 27-4-2013 - 2-9-2013, p. 275
- Dalí, The Lefevre Gallery, London, 1951, n. p.
- s. a., ""Tete explosive"... (il)", Echo Du Maroc, 26/06/1951, Rabat, n. p. (indirect image) (detail)
- L. Bonalumi, "Michaux rive gauche", Opéra, 27/06/1951, Paris, n. p.
- s. a., "Salvador Dalí expone en Londres "El retrato de Cristo" y "La Virgen de Port Lligat"", ABC, 09/12/1951, Madrid, p. 7
- Salvador Dalí, La Vie secrète de Salvador Dalí, La Table Ronde, Paris, 1952, between pp. 272-273 (detail)
- s. a., "Salvador Dali expoe em Paris", Jornal de Noticias, 06/01/1952, Porto, n. p. (detail)
- s. a., "Dali saluda", Arriba, 30/01/1952, Madrid, n. p. (indirect image)
- David Camelon, "Dali's "exploding angel"", The American Weekly, 10/02/1952, New York, NY, p. 15
- Diversos Autors, "Recent History", The Scottish Art Review, 21/06/1952, Glasgow, p. 17
- s. a., "Salvador Dali", Independent, 30/11/1952, Perpignan, n. p. (indirect image), n. p. (indirect image)
- Salvador Dalí, "Salvador Dalí explique sa propre peinture", Connaissance Des Arts, 15/07/1953, Paris, p. 7 (detail)
- Dalí, Les Éditions du Chêne, Paris, 1957, p. 8 (detail)
- A. Reynolds Morse, Michel Tapié, Dalí: a study of his life and work, New York graphic Society, Greenwich [Connecticut], 1958, p. 63
- Salvador Dalí : exhibition - Japan 1964, Mainichi Newspaper, Tokyo, 1964, p. 80
- Salvador Dalí, 1910-1965, The Foundation for Modern Art, New York, 1965, p. 106
- Pierre Cabanne, "Salvador Dali, ou la folie élevée à la hauteur d' un art", Lectures Pour Tous, 31/12/1965, Paris, n. p. (detail)
- Paul H. Walton, Dali / Miró, Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1967, il. 32
- Max. Gérard, Dalí de Draeger, Blume, Barcelona, 1968, il. 114
- Salvador Dalí, La Vie secrète de Salvador Dalí, La Table Ronde, Paris, 1969, n. p.
- Dalí, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 1970, il. 80
- Dalí: Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Objekte, Schmuck, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, 1971, p. 175
- José Angelo Gaiarsa, Respiraçao e imaginaçao, Jose Angelo Gaiarsa, Sao Paulo, 1971, p. 55 (detail)
- Louisiana Revy : Salvador Dalí, [Louisiana Revy], Humlebaek, 1973, p. 22
- Salvador Dalí, Moderna Museet Stockholm, Stockholm, 1973/1974, p. 10
- s. a., "Salvador Dalí", Moderna Museet Stockholm, 26/12/1973, Stockholm, p. 10 (detail)
- Dali, Ballantine Books, New York, 1974, cover (detail), n. p.
- Salvador Dalí, Städtische Galerie und Städelsche Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am main, 1974, p. 29
- Luis Romero, Todo Dalí en un rostro, Blume, Madrid, Barcelona, 1975, p. 211
- Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Dalí, Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1977, p. 103 (detail), p. 249
- Petit journal Salvador Dalí, Centre Georges Pompidou, [París], 1979, p. 12 (detail)
- Salvador Dalí: rétrospective, 1920-1980, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art moderne, Paris, 1979, p. 378
- Homage to Dalí, Chartwell Books, Secaucus, New Jersey, [1980], p. 117
- Josep Pla, Salvador Dalí (il.), Obres de museu, DASA, Figueres, 1981, p. 116
- Dawn Ades, Dalí and surrealism, Harper & Row, New York, 1982, p. 176
- 400 obras de Salvador Dalí de 1914 a 1983, Obra Cultural de la Caixa de Pensions, [Madrid], 1983, p. 198
- 400 obres de Salvador Dalí del 1914 al 1983, Obra Cultural de la Caixa de Pensions, [Madrid], 1983, p. 198
- Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Dalí, Polígrafa, Barcelona, 1983, il. 102
- Picasso, Miró, Dalí : évocations d'Espagne, Palais des Beaux-Arts. Europalia 85 España, Charleroi, 1985, p. 245
- Takahiko Okada, Dalí, Shueisha, [S.l.], 1986, p. 80 (detail)
- Grands Peintres : Dalí, COGEDI-PRESSE, Paris, 1988, p. 11
- Entender la pintura : Dalí, Orbis - Fabri, Barcelona, 1989, p. 26
- Louisiana revy, [Louisiana Revy], Humlebaek, 1989, p. 34
- Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, 1989, p. 323
- Los Dalís de Dalí: colección del museo nacional centro de arte reina Sofía, Centro cultural/Arte contemporaneo, México D. F., 1990, p. 41
- Paul Moorhouse, Dalí, Magna Books, Wigston [Anglaterra], 1990, p. 100
- René Passeron, Salvador Dalí, Ars Mundi, [S.l.], 1990, p. 88
- Luis Romero, PsicoDálico Dalí, Mediterranea, Barcelona, 1991, p. 175 (detail)
- Jaime Brihuega, Miró y Dalí: los grandes surrealistas, Anaya, Madrid, 1993, p. 78
- Dalí, Cercle d'Art, Paris, 1994, il. 54
- Salvador Dalí, Polígrafa, Barcelona, 1994, il. 54
- André Bouguenec, Salvador Dalí : philosophe et esotériste incompris, Opéra, Nantes, 1994, p. 62
- Jessica Hodge, Salvador Dali, Barnes & Noble, New York, 1994, p. 109
- Nathaniel Harris, The Life and works of Dalí, Parragon, [Regne Unit], 1994, p. 68 (detail)
- Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí, 1904 -1989, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1994, p. 444
- Dalí. Arquitectura, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Fundació Caixa de Catalunya, [Barcelona], [Figueres], 1996, p. 147
- Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí : 1904-1989, Evergreen (Benedikt Taschen), [Köln], 1996, p. 72
- Ralf Schiebler, Dalí : genius, obsession and lust, Prestel, Munich - New York, 1996, p. 93
- Grace Megwinoff Andréu, Dalí: Salvador de la pintura, Grace Megwinoff Andréu, San Juan (Puerto Rico), 1998, p. 55
- Salvador Dalí, Parkstone, England, 1999, p. 141
- The Universe of Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, 1999, p. 64 (indirect image)
- Dalí's optical illusions, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut, 2000, p. 161
- Dalí 1904-2004, Edicions 62, Barcelona, 2003, p. 115
- Les Essentiels de l'art Dalí, Ludion, Amsterdam, 2003, p. 288
- The Endless enigma : Dalí and the magicians of multiple meaning, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2003, p. 46
- The Portable Dalí, Universe, New York, 2003, p. 288
- Javier Pérez Andújar, Salvador Dalí : a la conquista de lo irracional, Algaba, Madrid, 2003, n. p. (detail)
- Laia Rosa Armengol, Dalí, icono y personaje, Cátedra, Madrid, 2003, p. 365 (indirect image)
- Ricard Mas Peinado, Universdalí, Lunwerg, Barcelona, Madrid, 2003, p. 206
- Persistence and memory : new critical perspectives on Dalí centennial, Bompiani, [Milà], 2004, p. 33 (detail)
- Alyse Gaultier, L'Abcdaire de Dalí, Flammarion, Paris, 2004, p. 2 (detail), p. 99
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dali : le grand paranoïaque, Découvertes Gallimard Arts, Paris, 2004, p. 121
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dalí : master of fantasies, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2004, p. 121
- Maria Lluïsa Borràs, Salvador Dalí : vida i obra d'un geni, Columna, Barcelona, 2004, n. p.
- Steven Pinker, The Blank slate, Science Books, [S.l.], 2004, dustjacket (detail)
- Dalí, Rizzoli, New York, 2005, p. 359, p. 514 (indirect image)
- Marta Luna, Toni Matas, Dalí i els altres secrets, Distribucions d'Art Surrealista, Figueres, 2006, p. 58 (indirect image)
- Dalí multifaceted : centenary exhibition, The Chunichi Shimbun, [S.l.], 2007, p. 216 (indirect image), p. 26-27 (indirect image)
- Lo[s] Cinético[s], Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Bancaja, [Madrid], Madrid, 2007, p. 24
- Salvador Dalí à la croisée des savoirs, Desjonquères, Paris, 2007, p. 185
- The Dalí renaissance : new perspectives on his life and art after 1940, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 2008, p. 58
- Alessandro Del Puppo, Dalí et le surréalisme, E-ducation.it S.p.A, Florence, 2008, p. 190, p. 193 (detail)
- Gavin Parkinson, Surrealism, art and modern science : relativity, quantum mechanics, epistemology, Yale University, New Haven & London, 2008, p. 209
- Une image peut en cacher une autre : Arcimboldo, Dali, Raetz, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris, 2009, p. 254
- Salvador Dalí : the late work, High Museum of Art, Yale University Press, Atlanta, New Haven and London, 2010, p. 32
- Patrick Elliott, Another world : Dalí, Magritte, Miró and the surrealists, National Galleries of Scotland, Edimburgh, 2010, p. 122
- Catherine Grenier, Salvador Dalí : l'invention de soi, Flammarion, Paris, 2011, p. 206
- Ralf Schiebler, Dalí : the reality of dreams, Prestel, New York, Munich, London, 2011, p. 93
- Dalí, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2012, p. 275
- Dalí et le livre d'art, Somogy. Éditions d'Art, Musée Goya, Castres, [París], Castres, 2014, p. 73
- Catherine Ingram, Andrew Rae (il.), This is Dalí, Laurence King Publishing, London, 2014, p. 69
- Daniel R. Caruncho, Salvador Dalí, las obras de su vida, Dos de Arte, Barcelona, 2015, p. 68
- Dalí: Il sogno del Classico, Skira, Milano, 2016, p. 28 (detail), p. 34
- Dalí atómico, Fundación Bancaria "la Caixa", [Barcelona], 2018, p. 148
The copyright on Salvador Dalí's works, included those that are reproduced in this Web page, is held by the Spanish State and has been granted in exclusivity to the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí.
Pursuant to intellectual property laws in force, the total or partial reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication, interactively making available to the public, as well as any other exploitation, by any means, of the works included in this Web page is prohibited.
Any exploitation of Salvador Dalí's works is subject to the prior application and clearance of the relevant licence issued by VEGAP (tel. 91 532 66 32 and 93 201 03 31 ; www.vegap.es). Copyright infringement will be prosecuted according to Laws.