- Cat. no. P
- 506
Project for "Labyrinth"

Cat. no. P 506
Project for "Labyrinth"
- Date:
- 1941
- Technique:
- Oil on canvas
- Dimensions:
- 15 x 25.2 cm
- Signature:
- Signed and dated lower right center: Gala Salvador Dalí 1941
- Inscriptions:
- Inscribed upper right corner: LabirentE
Inscription lower right corner: ne tenir pas conte des / culises, elles resteroN dans / les [memes] [...] [...] [...] / [...] - Location:
- Private collection, Spain
- 1983, Madrid, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, 400 obras de Salvador Dalí del 1914 al 1983, 15-4-1983 - 29-5-1983, cat. no. 300
- 1985, Charleroi, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Picasso, Miró, Dalí : évocations d'Espagne, 26-9-1985 - 22-12-1985, cat. no. 33
- 1989, Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, 13-5-1989 - 23-7-1989, cat. no. 219
- 1989, Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Salvador Dali, 16-12-1989 - 11-3-1990, cat. no. 43
- 1990, Montréal, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Salvador Dalí, 27-4-1990 - 29-7-1990, cat. no. 60
- 2004, Venezia, Palazzo Grassi, Dalí, 12-9-2004 - 16-1-2005, cat. no. 197
- s. a., "Dali's doings", Newsweek, 01/09/1941, New York, n. p. (indirect image)
- Mark Schubart, "Dali Surrealizes Theseus Myth In New Ballet", Pm's Weekly, 05/10/1941, New York, p. 55 (detail)
- s. a., "Dali Throws a Daffy Party", Look, 18/11/1941, Des Moines, Iowa, n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., "The dali party", Game And Gossip, 21/03/1942, New York, n. p. (indirect image)
- Cyril W. Beaumont, Ballet design : past & present., The Studio, London, 1946, p. 212
- Joan-Josep Tharrats, Artistas españoles en el ballet, Argos, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, 1950, p. 38 (detail)
- La Vie publique de Salvador Dalí, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art moderne, Paris, 1980, p. 94
- Dalí, Sarpe, Madrid, 1984, il. 37, p. 91
- Picasso, Miró, Dalí : évocations d'Espagne, Palais des Beaux-Arts. Europalia 85 España, Charleroi, 1985, p. 240
- Louisiana revy, [Louisiana Revy], Humlebaek, 1989, p. 15
- Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, 1989, p. 283
- Los Dalís de Dalí: colección del museo nacional centro de arte reina Sofía, Centro cultural/Arte contemporaneo, México D. F., 1990, p. 37
- Salvador Dalí, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montréal, 1990, p. 113
- Luis Romero, PsicoDálico Dalí, Mediterranea, Barcelona, 1991, p. 131 (reversed image)
- Josep Playà i Maset, Dalí de l'Empordà, Labor, Barcelona, 1992, p. [57]
- Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí, 1904 -1989, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1994, p. 344
- Curtis L. Carter, Dalí and the ballet : set and costumes for "The Three-Cornered Hat", Marquette University. Haggerty Museum of Art, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2000, p. 9
- Dalí a l'Empordà : la mirada dels fotògrafs empordanesos, Amics dels Museus Dalí, Figueres, 2003, p. 67 (indirect image), p. 71 (indirect image)
- Laia Rosa Armengol, Dalí, icono y personaje, Cátedra, Madrid, 2003, p. 118 (indirect image)
- Lluís Llongueras, Todo Dalí : vida y obra del personaje más genial y espectacular del siglo XX, Generalitat de Catalunya, [Barcelona], 2003, p. LXXI
- Obra completa : Álbum, Destino, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, [Madrid], [Figueres], Barcelona, 2004, p. 319 (indirect image)
- Persistence and memory : new critical perspectives on Dalí centennial, Bompiani, [Milà], 2004, p. 106
- Linde Salber, Salvador Dalí, Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2004, p. 85
- Silvia Borghesi, Dalí, Electa, Milán, 2004, p. 101
- Marta Luna, Toni Matas, Dalí i els altres secrets, Distribucions d'Art Surrealista, Figueres, 2006, cover, p. 2
- Agustín Sánchez Vidal, Salvador Dalí, Fundación Mapfre. Instituto de Cultura, Madrid, 2007, p. 98
- Salvador Dalí : the late work, High Museum of Art, Yale University Press, Atlanta, New Haven and London, 2010, p. 153
- Catherine Grenier, Salvador Dalí : l'invention de soi, Flammarion, Paris, 2011, p. 189
- Montse Aguer i Teixidor, Le Monde de Dalí, Larousse, Barcelona, 2012, p. 57
- s. a., "LOS BALLETS DALINIANOS de Bacanal a Sacrificio", ARTE Y PARTE, 01/04/2013, s. l., p. 27
- Disney & Dalí : architects of the imagination, Disney, New York, Los Angeles, 2015, p. 107 (indirect image)
The copyright on Salvador Dalí's works, included those that are reproduced in this Web page, is held by the Spanish State and has been granted in exclusivity to the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí.
Pursuant to intellectual property laws in force, the total or partial reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication, interactively making available to the public, as well as any other exploitation, by any means, of the works included in this Web page is prohibited.
Any exploitation of Salvador Dalí's works is subject to the prior application and clearance of the relevant licence issued by VEGAP (tel. 91 532 66 32 and 93 201 03 31 ; www.vegap.es). Copyright infringement will be prosecuted according to Laws.