- Cat. no. P
- 729
Santiago El Grande (Saint James the Great)

Cat. no. P 729
Saint James the Great
c. 1957
- Date:
- c. 1957
- Technique:
- Oil on canvas
- Dimensions:
- 407.7 x 304.8 cm
- Signature:
- Unsigned and undated
- Location:
- Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
- Lady Dunn
- The Sir James Dunn Foundation
- 1958, New York, M. Knoedler & Co, "Santiago el Grande", 19-2-1958 - 8-3-1958, no reference
- 2010, Atlanta, High Museum of Art, Salvador Dalí: The late work, 7-7-2010 - 9-2-2011, cat. no. 26
- Anne Arneill, "Volume Portrays Dali' s Life", Post, 14/12/1956, Denver, Colo., n. p. (detail)
- (Díptic per a l'exposició "Santiago El Grande"), [M. Knoedler &Co. Inc. ], [Nova York], [1957 - 1958], n. p.
- Manuel Jiménez Quilez, "Dali (tranquilo) en su rincón de Port lligat", Gaceta Ilustrada, 14/09/1957, Madrid, n. p. (detail) (indirect image)
- A. Reynolds Morse, Michel Tapié, Dalí: a study of his life and work, New York graphic Society, Greenwich [Connecticut], 1958, p. 82, p. 83 (details)
- Manuel Vigil, Barcelona de nuevo, Barna, Barcelona, 1958, p. 209
- B. A., "Acquistato per 40 milioni di lire l'ultimo quadro di Salvador Dalí", Stampa Sera, 31/03/1958, Torino, n. p. (indirect image)
- J.l. Vazquez-dodero, "Del "Sputnik" a la bicicleta", ABC, 08/06/1958, Madrid, p. 21 (detail)
- s. a., "Santiago apostol, visto por Dalí (il)", La Vanguardia Española, 26/07/1958, Barcelona, cover
- Noel Clarasó, "El artiplagio", Blanco y Negro, 17/01/1959, Madrid, p. 66 (detail)
- 100 aquarelles pour la Divine Comédie de Dante Alighieri par Salvador Dalí, Joseph Foret, Les Heures Claires, Paris, 1960, p. 24
- s. a., "Why the scallop shells in Dali's famous painting?", The Saturday Review, 15/04/1961, New York, NY, n. p. (detail)
- Michel Ragon, "Qu'est-ce qu'un pompier?", Arts, 23/10/1963, Paris, n. p. (detail)
- s. a., "Beauty in New Brunswick is more than sea and scenery", The Saturday Review, 30/04/1966, New York, NY, n. p. (indirect image) (detail)
- s. a., "Come to Canada where summer days are longer (il.)", New York Times, 22/05/1966, New York, N.y., p. 17 (indirect image) (detail)
- Paul H. Walton, Dali / Miró, Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1967, il. 43
- Max. Gérard, Dalí de Draeger, Blume, Barcelona, 1968, il. 20 (detail)
- Dali par Dali, Draeger, [París], 1970, p. 72-73 (detail)
- Salvador Dali "Hommage à Albrecht Dürer" : gravures, Hautil, Paris, 1971, p. 34
- A. Reynolds Morse, Dalí, the masterworks, The Reynolds-Morse Foundation, Cleveland, 1971, p. 27, p. 40 (detail)
- Antonio Fernández Molina, Dalí, Dirección General de Bellas Artes, Madrid, 1971, p. 60
- José Angelo Gaiarsa, Respiraçao e imaginaçao, Jose Angelo Gaiarsa, Sao Paulo, 1971, p. 71 (detail), p. 95 (detail)
- Ninety-three oils by Salvador Dalí : 1917-1970, The Salvador Dalí Museum, Cleveland, 1973, p. 182
- Poetic homage to Gala-Salvador Dalí, The Reynolds-Morse Foundation, Cleveland, 1973, p. 38, p. 39 (detail)
- Salvador Dalí : a guide to his works in public museums, The Dalí Museum, Cleveland [Ohio], 1973, p. [10]
- Salvador Dalí ... a panorama of his art, The Salvador Dalí Museum, Cleveland, 1974, p. 182
- Luis Romero, Todo Dalí en un rostro, Blume, Madrid, Barcelona, 1975, p. 262
- Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Dalí, Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1977, p. 126 (detail), p. 127 (detail), p. 250
- Salvador Dalí: rétrospective, 1920-1980, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art moderne, Paris, 1979, p. 387
- Josep Pla, Salvador Dalí (il.), Obres de museu, DASA, Figueres, 1981, p. 139
- Clarà, Dalí, Monturiol, Pla, Vayreda, Diputació Provincial de Girona, Nou Art Thor, Girona, Barcelona, 1983, p. 28 (detail)
- Dalí fotògraf, Dalí en els seus fotògrafs, Centre Cultural de la Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona, 1983, p. 73 (indirect image) (detail)
- Jaume Socias, Dalí, Nou Art, Barcelona, 1983, p. 28 (detail)
- Maria Gabriella Guglielmi, Fotografia e paranoia. L'occhio di Salvador Dalí, Arnica, Roma, 1983, p. 44 (detail)
- Takahiko Okada, Dalí, Shueisha, [S.l.], 1986, p. 60
- Josep Vallès i Rovira, Dalí delit Empordà, Carles Vallès, Figueres, 1987, p. 144
- Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, 1989, p. XXII
- Roger Michel Erasmy, Codex Dalínianus, Erasmy, [S.l.], 1989, p. 75
- Los Dalís de Dalí: colección del museo nacional centro de arte reina Sofía, Centro cultural/Arte contemporaneo, México D. F., 1990, p. 45
- Eric Shanes, Dalí, Debate, Madrid, 1991, p. 133
- André Bouguenec, Salvador Dalí : philosophe et esotériste incompris, Opéra, Nantes, 1994, p. XXXI
- Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí, 1904 -1989, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1994, p. 496, p. 497 (detail)
- Christopher Masters, Dalí, Phaidon, London, 1996, p. 122
- Dalí monumental, Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, Sao Paulo, 1998, p. 177 (indirect image) (detail)
- Grace Megwinoff Andréu, Dalí: Salvador de la pintura, Grace Megwinoff Andréu, San Juan (Puerto Rico), 1998, p. 62
- Robert Goff, The Essential Salvador Dalí, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1998, p. 101
- Robert Anderson, Salvador Dalí, Franklin Watts, London, Sydney, 2002, p. 36 (indirect image)
- Dalí íntim : el treball, les festes i les relacions humanes vist per Joan Vehí, Museu de Cadaqués, Ajuntament de Cadaqués, Cadaqués, 2003, p. 62 (detail)
- Les Essentiels de l'art Dalí, Ludion, Amsterdam, 2003, p. 320
- The Portable Dalí, Universe, New York, 2003, p. 320
- Lluís Llongueras, Todo Dalí : vida y obra del personaje más genial y espectacular del siglo XX, Generalitat de Catalunya, [Barcelona], 2003, p. LXXXIV
- Ricard Mas Peinado, Universdalí, Lunwerg, Barcelona, Madrid, 2003, p. 160
- Salvador Dalí, Obra completa : Textos autobiográficos 1, Destino, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, [Madrid], [Figueres], Barcelona, 2003, n. p.
- Silvia Borghesi, Dalí, Electa, Milán, 2004, p. 90
- Reynald Montaigu, Elisabeth Mazoyer, Jean-Patrick Mazoyer, Así es el mundo : Espagnol seconde, Belin, Paris, 2005, p. 143
- Dalí par Robert Descharnes, Ajuntament de Cadaqués, Museu de Cadaqués, Cadaqués, 2007, p. 47 (indirect image)
- Montse Aguer i Teixidor, Juan José Lahuerta, Salvador Dalí i les revistes, Distribucions d'Art Surrealista, [Figueres], 2008, il. 226 (indirect image)
- Dalí al Castell de Figueres vist per Joan Vehí, Ajuntament de Figueres, Consorci Castell de Sant Ferran, Figueres, 2010, p. 92 (indirect image)
- Salvador Dalí : the late work, High Museum of Art, Yale University Press, Atlanta, New Haven and London, 2010, covers, p. 12-13 (detail), p. 82
- Salvador Dalí. Ritratto di un genio, Abscondita, Milano, 2011, il. 56 (indirect image) (detail)
- Media - Dalí, K11 Art Foundation, Shanghai Culture Publishing House, Shanghai, 2015, p. 172 (indirect image) (detail)
- Memoria 2015 = Memòria 2015, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, 2016, p. 112 (indirect image) (detail)
The copyright on Salvador Dalí's works, included those that are reproduced in this Web page, is held by the Spanish State and has been granted in exclusivity to the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí.
Pursuant to intellectual property laws in force, the total or partial reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication, interactively making available to the public, as well as any other exploitation, by any means, of the works included in this Web page is prohibited.
Any exploitation of Salvador Dalí's works is subject to the prior application and clearance of the relevant licence issued by VEGAP (tel. 91 532 66 32 and 93 201 03 31 ; www.vegap.es). Copyright infringement will be prosecuted according to Laws.