- Cat. no. P
- 462
Impression of Africa
Impressions of Africa

Cat. no. P 462
Impression of Africa
c. 1938
- Date:
- c. 1938
- Technique:
- Oil on canvas
- Dimensions:
- 91.5 x 117.5 cm
- Signature:
- Unsigned and undated
- Location:
- Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam
- Edward James
- Edward James Foundation, West Dean, Chichester
- 1941, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Salvador Dalí, 19-11-1941 - 11-1-1942, cat. no. 36
- 1942, Indianapolis, The John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis Museum of Art), [Exhibition of paintings by Salvador Dali], 5-4-1942 - 4-5-1942, cat. no. 36
- 1943, Detroit, Detroit Institute of Arts, Exhibition of paintings by Salvador Dali, 15-3-1943 - 12-4-1943, no reference
- 1965, New York, Gallery of Modern Art, Salvador Dalí, 1910-1965, 18-12-1965 - 13-3-1966, cat. no. 95
- 1970, Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Dalí, 21-11-1970 - 10-1-1971, cat. no. 62
- 1971, London, Whitechapel Art Gallery, Dali Art-in-Jewels Exhibition & Paintings, 8-6-1971 - 10-7-1971, cat. no. 11
- 1979, París, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Salvador Dalí: rétrospective, 1920-1980, 18-12-1979 - 21-4-1980, cat. no. 251
- 1983, Barcelona, Palau Reial de Pedralbes, 400 obres de Salvador Dalí del 1914 al 1983, 10-6-1983 - 31-7-1983, cat. no. 166
- 1985, Charleroi, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Picasso, Miró, Dalí : évocations d'Espagne, 26-9-1985 - 22-12-1985, cat. no. 26
- 1987, Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, El Siglo de Picasso, 29-1-1987 - 13-3-1988, cat. no. 64
- 1987, París, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Cinq siècles d'art espagnol : le siècle de Picasso, 10-10-1987 - 3-1-1988, cat. no. 68
- 1989, Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, 13-5-1989 - 23-7-1989, cat. no. 207
- 1989, Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Salvador Dali, 16-12-1989 - 11-3-1990, cat. no. 38
- 1998, Brighton, Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, A surreal life: Edward James, 1907-1984, 25-4-1998 - 26-7-1998, cat. no. 145
- 2000, Hartford, Connecticut, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Dalí's optical illusions, 21-1-2000 - 26-3-2000, cat. no. 27
- 2002, París, Centre Pompidou, La Révolution surréaliste, 6-3-2002 - 24-6-2002, no reference
- 2004, Venezia, Palazzo Grassi, Dalí, 12-9-2004 - 16-1-2005, cat. no. 179
- 2009, Stuttgart, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum und Kunstverein Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Gegen Jede Vernunft. Surrealismus Paris - Prag, 14-11-2009 - 14-2-2010, núm. cat 94
- 2010, Milano, Palazzo Reale, Salvador Dalí, il sogno si avvicina, 22-9-2010 - 30-1-2011, no reference
- 2012, París, Centre Pompidou, Dalí, 21-11-2012 - 25-3-2013, p. 203
- 2013, Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Dalí. Todas las sugestiones poéticas y todas las posibilidades plásticas, 27-4-2013 - 2-9-2013, p. 203
- p. 9
- James Thrall Soby, Salvador Dalí, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1941, p. 64
- s. a., "Dali and Miro Jar New York With Visions of the Subconscious/ Dali a Fascist?", The Art Digest, 01/12/1941, New York, p. 5
- s. a., "Art in the Modern Sublime State", Star, 22/03/1942, Washington, D.c., n. p.
- Art in progress, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1944, p. 97
- Dalí, Les Éditions du Chêne, Paris, 1957, p. 7
- A. Reynolds Morse, Michel Tapié, Dalí: a study of his life and work, New York graphic Society, Greenwich [Connecticut], 1958, p. 49
- Salvador Dalí, 1910-1965, The Foundation for Modern Art, New York, 1965, p. 82
- s. a., "Impressions of Africa, 1938 (il.)", News-leader, 11/01/1966, Richmond, Va., n. p.
- Paul H. Walton, Dali / Miró, Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1967, il. 22
- s. a., "Voice of Broadway", Sentinel, 27/09/1967, Pomeroy, Ohio, p. 148-149
- Max. Gérard, Dalí de Draeger, Blume, Barcelona, 1968, il. 205
- Robert Lebel, "Le Dali de tout le monde ou la psychopathologie commercialisée", L'oeil, 31/01/1969, Paris, n. p.
- Dalí, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 1970, il. 62
- Dalí: Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Objekte, Schmuck, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, 1971, p. 153
- Salvador Dalí : a guide to his works in public museums, The Dalí Museum, Cleveland [Ohio], 1973, p. [84]
- Jean-Claude Guilbert, Le Réalisme fantastique : 40 peintres européens de l'imaginaire, Opta, Paris, 1973, p. 82
- Dali, Ballantine Books, New York, 1974, n. p. (detail), n. p.
- Max. Gérard, Dalí... Dalí... Dalí..., Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1974, il. 95
- Tadao Ogura, Robert Descharnes, L'Art moderne du monde, Shueisha, Tokyo, 1974, il. 43, p. 112
- Luis Romero, Todo Dalí en un rostro, Blume, Madrid, Barcelona, 1975, p. 203 (detail)
- Dawn Ades, Dada and surrealism reviewed, Arts Council of Great Britain, London, 1978, p. 302
- Salvador Dalí: rétrospective, 1920-1980, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art moderne, Paris, 1979, p. 311
- Salvador Dalí, The Tate Gallery, London, 1980, il. 150
- Josep Pla, Salvador Dalí (il.), Obres de museu, DASA, Figueres, 1981, p. 99
- Dawn Ades, Dalí and surrealism, Harper & Row, New York, 1982, p. 131, p. 138 (detail)
- 400 obres de Salvador Dalí del 1914 al 1983, Obra Cultural de la Caixa de Pensions, [Madrid], 1983, p. 131
- Conroy Maddox, Dalí, Benedick Taschen, Köln, 1983, p. 66
- Conroy Maddox, Dalí, Newness Books, Feltham [Middlesex], 1983, p. 66
- Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Dalí, Polígrafa, Barcelona, 1983, il. 81 (detail)
- Santiago Arbós Ballesté, "Dalí. El es el surrealismo", ABC, 08/05/1983, Madrid, p. 28
- Picasso, Miró, Dalí : évocations d'Espagne, Palais des Beaux-Arts. Europalia 85 España, Charleroi, 1985, p. 233
- Cinq siècles d'art espagnol|Le Siècle de Picasso, Ministerio de Cultura / Paris-Musées, Paris, [Madrid], 1987, p. 123
- El Siglo de Picasso, Ministerio de Cultura / Paris-Musées, Paris, [Madrid], 1988, p. 118
- Louisiana revy, [Louisiana Revy], Humlebaek, 1989, p. 35
- Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, 1989, cover (detail), p. 265
- Catálogo nacional de arte contemporaneo : edición 90/91, Ibérico 2000, Barcelona, 1990, p. 93
- Los Dalís de Dalí: colección del museo nacional centro de arte reina Sofía, Centro cultural/Arte contemporaneo, México D. F., 1990, p. 34
- Leticia Azcue Brea, Salvador Dalí, Colegio de España, Salamanca, 1990, p. 51
- Paul Moorhouse, Dalí, Magna Books, Wigston [Anglaterra], 1990, p. 90
- Eric Shanes, Dalí, Debate, Madrid, 1991, p. 97
- Alessandr Rogin, [Salvador Dalí : el mite i la realitat], Republica, Moscou, 1992, cover (detail), p. 102
- A. Reynolds Morse, Dali's animal crackers, Salvador Dalí Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1993, p. 82 (2 details)
- Dalí, Cercle d'Art, Paris, 1994, il. 23 (detail)
- El Autorretrato en España : de Picasso a nuestros días, Fundación Cultural Mapfre Vida, Madrid, 1994, p. 24 (detalle)
- Salvador Dalí, Polígrafa, Barcelona, 1994, il. 23 (detail)
- Jessica Hodge, Salvador Dali, Barnes & Noble, New York, 1994, p. 92-93
- Marco Di Capua, Dalí, Librairie Gründ, Paris, 1994, p. 205
- Nathaniel Harris, The Life and works of Dalí, Parragon, [Regne Unit], 1994, p. 56-57
- Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí, 1904 -1989, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1994, p. 303
- Christopher Masters, Dalí, Phaidon, London, 1996, p. 95
- A surreal life: Edward James, 1907-1984, Royal Pavillion, Librairies & Museums, Brighton & Hove, Philip Wilson, London, 1998, p. 66
- Salvador Dalí, Parkstone, England, 1999, p. 104 - 105
- Agustín Sánchez Vidal, Salvador Dalí, Electa, Madrid, 1999, p. 53
- Dalí's optical illusions, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut, 2000, p. 125, p. 127 (detail)
- Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. What's on calendar, Wadswoth Ahteneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT, 2000, p. 6-7
- Surrealismus 1919 - 1944 : Dalí, Max Ernst, Magritte, Miró, Picasso..., K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit, Düsseldorf, 2002, p. 312
- Ingrid Schaffner, Salvador Dalí's Dream of Venus : the surrealist funhouse from the 1939 World's Fair, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2002, p. 58 (indirect image) (detail)
- Les Essentiels de l'art Dalí, Ludion, Amsterdam, 2003, p. 210-211
- Laia Rosa Armengol, Dalí, icono y personaje, Cátedra, Madrid, 2003, p. 162
- Lluís Llongueras, Todo Dalí : vida y obra del personaje más genial y espectacular del siglo XX, Generalitat de Catalunya, [Barcelona], 2003, p. LXIX
- Companion to Spanish surrealism, Tamesis, Woodbridge, 2004, il. 8
- Dalí, Bompiani, [Milà], 2004, p. 6 (detail), p. 293
- Persistence and memory : new critical perspectives on Dalí centennial, Bompiani, [Milà], 2004, p. 64 (detail)
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dali : le grand paranoïaque, Découvertes Gallimard Arts, Paris, 2004, cover
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dalí the impresario of surrealism, Thames & Hudson, London, 2004, cover
- Dalí, Unidad Editorial, [S.l.], 2005, p. 149, p. 181
- Catherine Millet, Dalí et moi, Gallimard, [París], 2005, p. 76
- Montse Aguer i Teixidor, Marc Aufraise, Dalí versus Schaal, Distribucions d'Art Surrealista (DAS), [Figueres], 2006, p. 48 (indirect image)
- Salvador Dalí: an illustrated life, Tate Publishing, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales - Ministerio de Cultura, [Madrid], [Figueres], London, 2007, p. 122 (imatge indirecta)
- Agustín Sánchez Vidal, Salvador Dalí, Fundación Mapfre. Instituto de Cultura, Madrid, 2007, p. 73
- Gegen Jede Vernunft. Surrealismus Paris - Prag, Belser, Stuttgart, 2009, p. 155
- Salvador Dalí : il sogno si avvicina, 24 Ore Cultura, Milano, 2010, p. 56-57 (detail), p.93
- Dalí, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2012, p. 203
- Dalí un artista un genio, Skira, Milano, 2012, p. 141
- Daniel R. Caruncho, Salvador Dalí, las obras de su vida, Dos de Arte, Barcelona, 2015, p. 47, reverse (detail)
- Gabriel Montua, Dalís 20. Jahrhundert : die westliche Kunst zwischen Politik, Markt und Medien, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, 2015, il. XX
- Surreal encounters : collecting the marvellous, National Galleries of Scotland, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Edinburgh, Hamburg, Rotterdam, 2016, p. [8] (detail), p. [71]
The copyright on Salvador Dalí's works, included those that are reproduced in this Web page, is held by the Spanish State and has been granted in exclusivity to the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí.
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