- Cat. no. P
- 643
The Madonna of Portlligat (first version)

Cat. no. P 643
The Madonna of Portlligat (first version)
- Date:
- 1949
- Technique:
- Oil on canvas
- Dimensions:
- 49.5 x 38.3 cm
- Signature:
- Signed and dated on the lower right corner: Dali 1949
- Location:
- Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Haupt
- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Haupt
- Although Dalí wrote Port Lligat, the normative for this place name is now in use.
- 1964, New York, Fine Arts Pavilion New York World's Fair, Mother and Child in Modern Art, 22-4-1964 - 17-10-1965, cat. no. 5
- 1979, París, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Salvador Dalí: rétrospective, 1920-1980, 18-12-1979 - 21-4-1980, cat. no. 311
- 1982, Tokyo, Isetan Museum of Art, Rétrospective Salvador Dalí 1982, 28-2-1982 - 6-4-1982, cat. no.18
- 1982, Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art, Rétrospective Salvador Dalí 1982, 11-6-1982 - 11-7-1982, cat. no. 18
- 1983, Madrid, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, 400 obras de Salvador Dalí del 1914 al 1983, 15-4-1983 - 29-5-1983, cat. no. 380
- 1984, New Orleans, New Orleans Vatican Pavillion. Louisiana World Exhibition, Treasures of the Vatican, 12-5-1984 - 11-11-1984,
- 1989, Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, 13-5-1989 - 23-7-1989, cat. no. 245
- 1990, Montréal, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Salvador Dalí, 27-4-1990 - 29-7-1990, cat. no. 73
- 1991, Tokyo, Mitsukoshi Museum of Art, Dalí exhibition, 10-10-1991 - 17-11-1991, cat. no. 53
- 1996, Barcelona, La Pedrera, Dalí. Arquitectura, 19-6-1996 - 25-8-1996, cat. no. 24
- 1998, Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Dali Monumental, 25-3-1998 - 27-5-1998, il. 40
- 1998, Liverpool, Tate Gallery Liverpool, Salvador Dalí: a mythology, 21-10-1998 - 31-1-1999, cat. no. 46
- 2000, Hartford, Connecticut, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Dalí's optical illusions, 21-1-2000 - 26-3-2000, cat. no. 50
- 2004, Venezia, Palazzo Grassi, Dalí, 12-9-2004 - 16-1-2005, cat. no. 214
- 2010, Atlanta, High Museum of Art, Salvador Dalí: The late work, 7-7-2010 - 9-2-2011, cat. no. 13
- Barrett Mcgurn, "Dali Shows Pope New Painting: Surrealist Madonna and Child", Herald Tribune, 24/11/1949, New York, n. p.
- Barrett Mcgurn, "Dali Displays Lastest Painting Of Madonna, Child To Pontiff", Journal Herald, 24/11/1949, Dayton, O., n. p.
- Barrett Mcgurn, "Dali Visits Pope, Shows Him Surrealist Madonna and Child", Herald Tribune, 24/11/1949, New York, p. 1-2
- s. a., "Dali "Returns to Religion" After Audience With Pope", Times Herald, 24/11/1949, Dallas, Tex., n. p.
- s. a., "Dali Changes Artistic Style", Tribune, 25/11/1949, Lawrence, Mass, n. p.
- s. a., "Dali back with surrealist Madonna he showed to the Pope", Herald Tribune, 22/12/1949, s. l., n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., "[Surrealist Madonna (il)]", Post, 26/12/1949, Houston, Tex., n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., "Du surréalisme à l' art sacré", L'aurore, 26/12/1949, Paris, n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., "[Salvador Dali l'un des peintres...(il)]", Sud-ouest, 27/12/1949, Bordeaux, n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., "Le roi des surrealistes se lance dans la peinture religieuse (il)", Midi Libre, 27/12/1949, Montpellier, n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., "Madone surréaliste", La Montagne, 27/12/1949, Clermont, n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., ""La Madone" de Salvador Dali (il)", France, 27/12/1949, Marseille, n. p. (indirect image)
- Louis Pauwels, "Salvador Dali a fait au pape une visite "de politese", dit-il", Le Figaro Litteraire, 31/12/1949, Paris, n. p. (indirect image)
- Le Coeur, Desclée de Brouwer, [S.l.], 1950, p. 287
- Panorama dell'arte italiana, Lattes, Torino, 1950, p. 107 (indirect image)
- H. L. Dungan, "Three New Exhibitions at DeYoung", Tribune, 29/01/1950, Oakland, Cal., n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., "[Surrealist exhibits work...] ( il )", Herald, 15/02/1950, Canova, S.d., n. p. (indirect image)
- Jose Mª Massip, "Dali hoy", Destino, 01/04/1950, Barcelona, p. 3
- Emily Genauer, "The Salvador Dali Madonna", This Week Magazine. New York Herald Tribune, 09/04/1950, New York, NY, cover
- s. a., "First color presentation of Salvador Dalí's Port Lligat Madonna", Los Angeles Times, 09/04/1950, Los Angeles, n. p.
- s. a., "First color presentation of Salvador Dalí's Port Lligat Madonna", Los Angeles Times, 09/04/1950, Los Angeles, n. p. (detail)
- Emily Genauer, "La pintura religiosa de Dali", El Tiempo, 17/04/1950, Madrid, n. p.
- s. a., "Toward Raphael", Time, 17/04/1950, New York, p. 66
- Michael Tapié, "Encounter With Dali", Paris News Post, 31/07/1950, Paris, n. p.
- s. a., "Dali mustachioes a-down, arriving with 'madonna'", Star, 05/11/1950, Wilmington, Del., n. p.
- s. a., "Dali likes Dali", Newsweek, 20/11/1950, New York, n. p.
- Wambly Bald, "Dali suggests dreams as cure for worries", New York Post, 21/12/1950, New York, n. p. (indirect image)
- Salvador Dalí, 50 secretos mágicos para pintar, Luis de Caralt, Barcelona, 1951, p. 160
- s. a., "Pintura. Caos internacional", Semana, 13/01/1951, Bogotá, p. 25 (indirect image)
- Manuel del Arco, Salvador Dalí, Dalí al desnudo, José Janés, Barcelona, 1952, n. p.
- William E. Barlow, "El Cristo de Dalí", Visión, 01/04/1952, New York, p. 2 (indirect image)
- P. Roumeguere, Michael Deon, "Salvador Dali", Reforme, 24/05/1952, Paris, n. p. (detail)
- Armand Lanoux, "Salvador Dali "monstre sacré"", Jardin Des Arts, 30/09/1955, Paris, p. 685 (indirect image)
- s. a., "Dans le cadre du IX Destival belge d'été, 90 oeuvres de Salvador Dali au Casino de Knokke du 30 juin au 10 septembre", Beaux-Arts, 22/06/1956, Bruxelles, n. p. (indirect image) (detail)
- s. a., "Les Métamorphoses de Dali", Le Soir, 04/07/1956, Bruxelles, n. p.
- A. Reynolds Morse, Michel Tapié, Dalí: a study of his life and work, New York graphic Society, Greenwich [Connecticut], 1958, p. 62
- Sanka Knox, "Global Art Shows Opens Here Today", New York Times, 29/10/1958, New York, n. p. (indirect image)
- s. a., "Marquette Is Given a Painting by Dali", Journal, 13/10/1959, Milwaukee, Wis., n. p. (indirect image)
- Margaret Fish, "Beauty, Dignity Of Mosaic Win Praise For Lewandowski", Sentinel, 22/11/1959, Milwaukee, Wis., n. p. (detail)
- s. a., "Dali painting given to University", Press, 26/12/1959, Asbury Park, N.j., n. p. (indirect image)
- 100 aquarelles pour la Divine Comédie de Dante Alighieri par Salvador Dalí, Joseph Foret, Les Heures Claires, Paris, 1960, p.18
- Gustav René Hocke, El Manierismo en el arte europeo de 1520 a 1650 y en el actual, Guadarrama, Madrid, 1961, n. p. (detail)
- Gordon Muck, "The "Mother and Child Exhibit"", The Post - Standard Sunday Magazine, 22/12/1963, Syracuse, N.y., cover (detail)
- Mother and child in modern art, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York, [1964], il. 5
- s. a., "Mother through artists'.....", Ames Daily Tribune, 09/05/1964, Ames, IA, p. 3 (detail)
- s. a., "Madonna of Portlligat, Salvador Dali. (il.)", Pageant Magazine, 31/05/1964, New York, N.y., n. p.
- s. a., "Mother and Child Theme Dominates Art Exhibition", Star, 18/12/1964, Minneapolis, Minn., n. p. (detail)
- s. a., "[The subject is...]", Journal, 08/05/1965, Milwaukee, Wis., n. p.
- s. a., "Mother's Day in Modern Art", Register, 09/05/1965, New Haven, Conn., n. p.
- s. a., "Artists Take A Modern Art Look At the Perennial Pair That Has Fascinated Them For Centuries: Mother and Child", Post Times Herald, 09/05/1965, Washington, D.c., n. p. (detail)
- s. a., "Tree traffic", Inquirer, 09/05/1965, Philadelphia, Pa., n. p. (detail)
- s. a., "Mother's day art", Evening Globe, 09/05/1965, Boston, Mass., p. 31 (indirect image)
- s. a., "Mother and child in modern art", Post Times Herald, 09/06/1965, Washington, D.c., n. p. (detail)
- s. a., "Mother and child in Moderna Art", The Washington Post, 09/06/1965, Washington, n. p. (detail)
- Pamela Howard, "Museum proves all the world loves a mother", News, 11/06/1965, Washington, D.c., n. p.
- Elisabeth Stevens, "Stickiness of momism smothers the good", Post Times Herald, 13/06/1965, Washington, D.c., n. p.
- Joseph R. Hertzi, "Art exhibit opens at institute today", Repository, 24/10/1965, Canton, Ohio, n. p. (detail)
- s. a., "Art Museum Has Christmas Fare", News-sentinel, 02/12/1966, Ft. Wayne, Ind., n. p.
- Barbara Thexton, "Art Exhibit Features Christmas Story Paintings", Journal-gazette, 08/12/1966, Ft. Wayne, Ind., n. p.
- s. a., "Dali painting", Manitowoc Herald-Times, 18/04/1972, Herald, p. 3
- Salvador Dalí : a guide to his works in public museums, The Dalí Museum, Cleveland [Ohio], 1973, p. [23]
- Antonio D. Olano, Dalí, secreto, Dopesa, Barcelona, 1975, n. p.
- Salvador Dalí: rétrospective, 1920-1980, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art moderne, Paris, 1979, p. 375
- Claude Pallene, "Comment les servitudes de son inspiration ont amené Dali à la grandeure", journal de l'amateur d'art, 01/12/1979, Paris, Fr, p. 15
- Salvador Dalí, The Tate Gallery, London, 1980, il. 213
- Richard Roud, "A man for bright ideas", The Guardian, 05/01/1980, Manchester, p. 10 (detail)
- Hugh Adams, "In Praise of Folly", Art And Artists, 31/03/1980, London, n. p. (detail)
- Michael Gibson, "The disguises and dilemmas of Dalí (coberta) / Dalí: "The difference between a madman and myself is that I am not mad"", Art News, 30/04/1980, New York, p. 91
- Josep Pla, Salvador Dalí (il.), Obres de museu, DASA, Figueres, 1981, p. 123
- Guglielmo Bernardi, "Salvador Dalí", Pan, 04/1981, Offenburgh, p. 14 (detail)
- Rétrospective Salvador Dalí 1982, Edition Art Life, [S.l.], 1982, cat. no. 18
- Dawn Ades, Dalí and surrealism, Harper & Row, New York, 1982, p. 187
- s. a., "Ha muerto Gala, esposa y musa de Salvador Dalí", El Correo Catalán, 11/06/1982, Barce Lona, p. 32
- Narcís Genís, ""Juro davant de Déu, de la Gala i dels espanyols honrats, que aquest quadreés completament fals"", Punt Diari, 19/08/1982, Girona, p. 3 (detail)
- Narcís Genís, ""Tinc moltes ganes d'anar al Museu de Figueres, amb en Pitxot, així que pugui"", El Punt, 19/08/1982, Girona, p. 3 (detail)
- s. a., "La Generalitat quiere adquirir una "Madonna" de Dalí", El Correo Catalán, 14/09/1982, Barcelona, n. p.
- s. a., ""La Madona de Port Lligat a Catalunya"", Los Sitios, 17/09/1982, Girona, n. p. (detail)
- s. a., ""La madona de Port Lligat" a Catalunya", Los Sitios, 17/09/1982, Girona, n. p.
- 400 obres de Salvador Dalí del 1914 al 1983, Obra Cultural de la Caixa de Pensions, [Madrid], 1983, p. 217
- Clarà, Dalí, Monturiol, Pla, Vayreda, Diputació Provincial de Girona, Nou Art Thor, Girona, Barcelona, 1983, p. 26 (detail)
- Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Dalí, Polígrafa, Barcelona, 1983, il. 99
- Jaume Socias, Dalí, Nou Art, Barcelona, 1983, p. 26 (detail)
- s. a., "Llega a Madrid la "Madona de Port Lligat", de Dalí", Informaciones, 16/03/1983, Madrid, n. p.
- s. a., ""La Madona de Port Lligat"", Información, 16/03/1983, Alicante, n. p.
- s. a., "Dalí, ochenta años", ABC, 12/05/1984, Madrid, p. 96
- Solennità dell'Immacolata Concezione della beata Vergine Maria, Basilica Vaticana, [Ciutat del Vaticà], 1985, cover
- Josep Vallès i Rovira, Dalí delit Empordà, Carles Vallès, Figueres, 1987, p. 153
- Agustín Sánchez Vidal, Buñuel, Lorca y Dalí: el enigma sin fin, Planeta, Barcelona, 1988, p. 313
- Entender la pintura : Dalí, Orbis - Fabri, Barcelona, 1989, p. 27
- Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, 1989, p. 319
- Salvador Dalí, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montréal, 1990, p. 131
- Leticia Azcue Brea, Salvador Dalí, Colegio de España, Salamanca, 1990, p. 71
- Paul Moorhouse, Dalí, Magna Books, Wigston [Anglaterra], 1990, p. 12 (indirect image)
- René Passeron, Salvador Dalí, Ars Mundi, [S.l.], 1990, p. 84
- Dalí exhibition, Mitsukoshi Museum of Art, Tokyo, 1991, p. 105
- Eric Shanes, Dalí, Debate, Madrid, 1991, p. 121
- Luis Romero, PsicoDálico Dalí, Mediterranea, Barcelona, 1991, p. 158
- A. Reynolds Morse, Dali's animal crackers, Salvador Dalí Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1993, p. 208
- Jaime Brihuega, Miró y Dalí: los grandes surrealistas, Anaya, Madrid, 1993, p. 78
- Dalí, Cercle d'Art, Paris, 1994, il. 53
- Salvador Dalí, Polígrafa, Barcelona, 1994, il. 53
- Jessica Hodge, Salvador Dali, Barnes & Noble, New York, 1994, p. 107 (detail)
- Nathaniel Harris, The Life and works of Dalí, Parragon, [Regne Unit], 1994, p. 66, p. 67 (detail)
- Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí, 1904 -1989, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1994, p. 426
- Dalí. Arquitectura, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Fundació Caixa de Catalunya, [Barcelona], [Figueres], 1996, p. 157
- New history of world art, Shogakukan, [S.l.], 1996, il. 33
- Christopher Masters, Dalí, Phaidon, London, 1996, p. 109
- Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí : 1904-1989, Evergreen (Benedikt Taschen), [Köln], 1996, p. 70 (imatge directa i indirecta)
- Ralf Schiebler, Dalí : genius, obsession and lust, Prestel, Munich - New York, 1996, p. 88
- Ian Gibson, The Shameful life of Salvador Dalí, Faber and Faber, London, 1997, il. XXXIV
- Robert Radford, Dalí, Phaidon, London, 1997, p. 241
- A door to the dream world, Korinsha Press, Kyoto, 1998, p. 186 (detail)
- Dalí monumental, Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, Sao Paulo, 1998, p. 51
- Dawn Ades, Fiona Bradley, Salvador Dalí: a mythology, Tate Gallery Publishing, London, 1998, p. 73
- Dalí insights, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, 1999, n. p.
- Salvador Dalí, Parkstone, England, 1999, p. 139
- Dalí's Optical Illusions, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 2000, n. p.
- Dalí's optical illusions, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut, 2000, p. 159, p. 157 (detail)
- Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. What's on calendar, Wadswoth Ahteneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT, 2000, p. 7
- Warum tut das Loch in meiner Hand nicht weh?, Tympano, München, 2000, p. 60
- Robert S. Lubar, The Salvador Dalí Museum collection, Bulfinch, Boston - New York - London, 2000, p. XV
- Les Essentiels de l'art Dalí, Ludion, Amsterdam, 2003, p. 279
- Modernismo e avanguardia : Picasso, Miró, Dalí e la pittura catalana, Skira, Milano, 2003, p. 220
- The Portable Dalí, Universe, New York, 2003, p. 279
- Lluís Llongueras, Todo Dalí : vida y obra del personaje más genial y espectacular del siglo XX, Generalitat de Catalunya, [Barcelona], 2003, p. LXXVI
- Ricard Mas Peinado, Universdalí, Lunwerg, Barcelona, Madrid, 2003, p. 79, p. 154
- Sebastià Roig, Jordi Puig, Dalí : el triangle de l'Empordà, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Triàngle Postals, Figueres, Menorca, 2003, p. 121
- Enric Bou, Daliccionario : objetos, mitos y símbolos de Salvador Dalí, Tusquets, Barcelona, 2004, p. 29
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dali : le grand paranoïaque, Découvertes Gallimard Arts, Paris, 2004, p. 119
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dalí : master of fantasies, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2004, p. 119 (detail)
- Lucía García de Carpi, Salvador Dalí, Ambos Mundos, Salamanca, 2005, p. 113, p. 131 (detail)
- Salvador Dalí, Obra completa : Ensayos 2, Destino, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, [Madrid], [Figueres], Barcelona, 2005, p. 268
- s. a., "The Grand Master of Surrealism Salvador Dali", Usa today magazine, 31/05/2005, McLean, VA, p. 36
- Carmen Giménez, Francisco Calvo Serraller, Pintura española de El Greco a Picasso : el tiempo, la verdad y la historia., Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior (SEACEX), Guggenheim Museum, TF Editores, Nueva York, Madrid, 2006, p. 255
- Marta Luna, Toni Matas, Dalí i els altres secrets, Distribucions d'Art Surrealista, Figueres, 2006, p. 23
- Torsten Otte, Salvador Dalí : Eine Biographie mit Selbstzeugnissen des Künstlers, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2006, p. 94
- Dalís medienspiele: falsche fährten und paranoische selbstinszenierungen in den künsten, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2007, p. 130 (Abb. 2)
- The Dalí renaissance : new perspectives on his life and art after 1940, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 2008, p. 8
- Gavin Parkinson, Surrealism, art and modern science : relativity, quantum mechanics, epistemology, Yale University, New Haven & London, 2008, p. 208
- Mary Ann Caws, Salvador Dalí, Reaktion Books, London, 2008, p. 125
- Montse Aguer i Teixidor, Los tesoros de Salvador Dalí, Librería Universitaria, Barcelona, 2009, p. 43
- Salvador Dalí : the late work, High Museum of Art, Yale University Press, Atlanta, New Haven and London, 2010, p. 70
- Francesca Adamo, Caterina Pennestrì, Il Destino di un incontro : Salvador Dalì e Walt Disney, Mimesis, Milano, 2010, p. 84
- Ralf Schiebler, Dalí : the reality of dreams, Prestel, New York, Munich, London, 2011, p. 88
- Dalí un artista un genio, Skira, Milano, 2012, p. 170, p. 173 (detail)
- Daniel R. Caruncho, Salvador Dalí, las obras de su vida, Dos de Arte, Barcelona, 2015, p. 62
- Gabriel Montua, Dalís 20. Jahrhundert : die westliche Kunst zwischen Politik, Markt und Medien, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, 2015, il. XXXVIII
- Dalí: Il sogno del Classico, Skira, Milano, 2016, p. 33
- Dalí Pitxot : une amitié au cœur du surréalisme, Marot, Musée de Beaux -Arts, Tournai, [S.l.], 2017, p. 133 (detail)
- Dalí atómico, Fundación Bancaria "la Caixa", [Barcelona], 2018, p. 146
- Estrella de Diego, Gala Salvador Dalí : una habitació pròpia a Púbol, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2018, p. 183
The copyright on Salvador Dalí's works, included those that are reproduced in this Web page, is held by the Spanish State and has been granted in exclusivity to the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí.
Pursuant to intellectual property laws in force, the total or partial reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication, interactively making available to the public, as well as any other exploitation, by any means, of the works included in this Web page is prohibited.
Any exploitation of Salvador Dalí's works is subject to the prior application and clearance of the relevant licence issued by VEGAP (tel. 91 532 66 32 and 93 201 03 31 ; www.vegap.es). Copyright infringement will be prosecuted according to Laws.