Cat. no. OE

A Tray of Objects

Six Objects

A Tray of Objects

Cat. no. OE 26

A Tray of Objects



Unique Original Work
31 x 60 x 11 cm
On the back of a sheet of cardboard: DALI
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
This is the current state of the Surrealist object shown by Dalí in the Exposition surréaliste d’objets at the Galerie Charles Ratton in Paris in 1936. Although it is not mentioned in the catalogue of the exhibition, it appears in some of the photographs of the show, specifically in the interior of one of the display cabinets. At the end of 1936, Dalí illustrates his article ‘Honneur à l’objet’, published in Cahiers d’Art, with a picture of this work, but without giving the title. In fact, the title of this Surrealist object was unknown until 1968, when it was listed as A Tray of Objects in the catalogue of the exhibition Dada, Surrealism, and Their Heritage held at MoMA in New York. The object shown at MoMA conserved only six elements of the original work: an erotic group, a paperweight, a stone foot, gloves covered with aluminium foil, a plaster foot and a book of matches. It is very likely that the other original elements had been lost, and that some of these, such as the shoe, were replaced.