- Cat. no. P
- 600
Apotheosis of Homer (Diurnal Dream of Gala)

Cat. no. P 600
Apotheosis of Homer (Diurnal Dream of Gala)
c. 1945
- Date:
- c. 1945
- Technique:
- Oil on canvas
- Dimensions:
- 63.7 x 116.7 cm
- Signature:
- Signed lower left corner: Gala Salvador Dalí
- Location:
- Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
- Alfonso González Pardo, Lima, Peru
- Paulo Gonzales
- Roman Ketterer
- 1945, New York, Bignou Gallery, Recent paintings by Salvador Dali, 20-11-1945 - 29-12-1945, cat. no. 3
- 1946, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Institute, Painting in the United States, 1946, 10-10-1946 - 8-12-1946, cat. no. 18
- 1964, Tokyo, Tokyo Prince Hotel Gallery, Salvador Dalí : exhibition - Japan 1964, 8-9-1964 - 18-10-1964, cat. no. 39
- 1970, París, Galerie André-François Petit, Salvador Dalí : oeuvres anciennes, 1-11-1970 - 31-12-1970, cat. no. 36
- 1989, Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, 13-5-1989 - 23-7-1989, cat. no. 229
- 1989, Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Salvador Dali, 16-12-1989 - 11-3-1990, cat. no. 46
- 1997, Montréal, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Exiles + emigrés : the flights of european artists from Hitler, 19-6-1997 - 7-9-1997, cat. no. 29
- 2004, Barcelona, CaixaForum, Dalí. Cultura de masses, 5-2-2004 - 23-5-2004, cat. no. 372
- Eugeni d' Ors, Arte entreguerras, M. Aguilar, Madrid, [s.d.], p. 157 (detail)
- Recent paintings by Salvador Dali, Bignou Gallery, New York, 1945, il. 3 (detail)
- Salvador Dalí, "Dali Triumphs in Apotheose of Homerus", Dali News, 20/11/1945, New York, N.y., p. 2 (detail)
- Painting in the United States, 1946, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1946, il. 111
- James Thrall Soby, Salvador Dalí, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1946, p. 80
- J. J. Tharrats, "Dalí, todavía", Revista, 02/10/1952, Barcelona, n. p.
- Dalí, Les Éditions du Chêne, Paris, 1957, p. 8 (detail)
- A. Reynolds Morse, Michel Tapié, Dalí: a study of his life and work, New York graphic Society, Greenwich [Connecticut], 1958, p. 58
- Salvador Dalí : exhibition - Japan 1964, Mainichi Newspaper, Tokyo, 1964, p. 78
- Chagall, Dalí, Ernst, Kawade Shobo, [S.l.], 1966, Il. 51
- Paul H. Walton, Dali / Miró, Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1967, il. 27
- Salvador Dalí : oeuvres anciennes, Galerie André-François Petit, Paris, [1970], il. 36
- José Angelo Gaiarsa, Respiraçao e imaginaçao, Jose Angelo Gaiarsa, Sao Paulo, 1971, p. 47 (detail)
- Robert Descharnes, S. Terayama, Dalí: the book of great masters, Zauho, Tokyo, 1978, il. 40 (detail)
- Dawn Ades, Dalí and surrealism, Harper & Row, New York, 1982, p. 189
- Conroy Maddox, Dalí, Newness Books, Feltham [Middlesex], 1983, p. 74-75
- Conroy Maddox, Dalí, Benedick Taschen, Köln, 1983, p. 74-75
- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Salvador Dalí (il.), Il Fantastico idalgo don Chisciotte della Mancia, Del Drago, Milano, 1986, p. 187
- Takahiko Okada, Dalí, Shueisha, [S.l.], 1986, p. 58-59
- Louisiana revy, [Louisiana Revy], Humlebaek, 1989, p. 20
- Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, 1989, p. 297
- Eric Shanes, Dalí, Debate, Madrid, 1991, p. 113
- A. Reynolds Morse, Dali's animal crackers, Salvador Dalí Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1993, p. 134 (details)
- Marco Di Capua, Dalí, Librairie Gründ, Paris, 1994, p. 218-219
- Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí, 1904 -1989, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1994, p. 382
- Christopher Masters, Dalí, Phaidon, London, 1996, p. 102
- Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí : 1904-1989, Evergreen (Benedikt Taschen), [Köln], 1996, p. 64-65
- Exiles + emigrés : the flights of european artists from Hitler, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, 1997, p. 152
- Les Essentiels de l'art Dalí, Ludion, Amsterdam, 2003, p. 247
- The Portable Dalí, Universe, New York, 2003, p. 247
- Dalí. Cultura de masses, Fundació La Caixa, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, Barcelona, 2004, p. 201
- Salvador Dalí, Obra completa : Ensayos 1, Destino, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, [Madrid], [Figueres], Barcelona, 2005, p. 560 (indirect image) (detail)
- Montse Aguer i Teixidor, Juan José Lahuerta, Salvador Dalí i les revistes, Distribucions d'Art Surrealista, [Figueres], 2008, il. 246 (indirect image)
- Montse Aguer i Teixidor, Los tesoros de Salvador Dalí, Librería Universitaria, Barcelona, 2009, p. 54-55
- Marc Aufraise, Caroline Barbier de reulle, Marijke Peyser-Verhaar, Astrid Ruffa, Mathilde Hamel, Gabriel Montua, [Coberta]|[Sumari]|Éditorial|Les prémices du théâtre photographique de Salvador Dalí (1932-1933)|Portraits de fantasmes|Salvador Dalí et la musique|Salvador Dalí et le mécénat du Zodiaque|Salvador Dalí, théoricien de l'art surréaliste|Les Nuées de Salvador Dalí, ou le surréalisme mis en scene|Salvador Dalí face au marché de l'art, Éditions du Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2012, p. 97
- Dalí News, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 2014, p. 48 (detail)
- Disney & Dalí : architects of the imagination, Disney, New York, Los Angeles, 2015, p. 121 (indirect image) (detail)
- Daniel R. Caruncho, Salvador Dalí, las obras de su vida, Dos de Arte, Barcelona, 2015, p. 54-55
- Estrella de Diego, Gala Salvador Dalí : una habitació pròpia a Púbol, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2018, p. 157
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