- Cat. no. P
- 237
L'homme invisible (The Invisible Man)

Cat. no. P 237
The Invisible Man
- Date:
- 1929-32
- Technique:
- Oil on canvas
- Dimensions:
- 140 x 81 cm
- Signature:
- Unsigned and undated
- Location:
- Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid. Dalí bequest
- Artist's colletion
- This is usually considered an unfinished work. Dalí worked on it, according to reliable sources, between 1929 and 1933.
- 1931, París, Pierre Colle, Exposition Salvador Dalí, 3-6-1931 - 15-6-1931, cat. no. 1
- 1932, París, Pierre Colle, Exposition Salvador Dalí, 26-5-1932 - 17-6-1932, cat. no. 11 o 12
- 1933, New York, Julien Levy Gallery, Exhibition of Paintings by Salvador Dalí, 21-11-1933 - 8-12-1933, cat. no. 10
- 1934, New York, Julien Levy Gallery, Dali, 21-11-1934 - 10-12-1934, cat. no. 20
- 1936, London, Alex, Reid & Lefevre, Ltd., Salvador Dali, 1-6-1936 - 31-7-1936, cat. no. 12
- 1938, París, Galerie Beaux-Arts, Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme, January - February 1938, cat. no. 44
- 1965, New York, Gallery of Modern Art, Salvador Dalí, 1910-1965, 18-12-1965 - 13-3-1966, cat. no. 30
- 1968, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Dada, surrealism, and their heritage, 27-3-1968 - 9-6-1968, cat. no. 63
- 1980, London, The Tate Gallery, Salvador Dalí, 14-5-1980 - 29-6-1980, cat. no. 49
- 1983, Madrid, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, 400 obras de Salvador Dalí del 1914 al 1983, 15-4-1983 - 29-5-1983, cat. no. 138
- 1989, Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Salvador Dali, 16-12-1989 - 11-3-1990, cat. no. 35
- 1990, México, D. F., Centro Cultural / Arte contemporáneo, Los Dalís de Dalí: colección del Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 1-11-1990 - 31-1-1991, cat. no. 20
- 1994, London, Hayward Gallery, Salvador Dalí: the early years, 3-3-1994 - 30-5-1994, cat. no. 123
- 1996, Barcelona, La Pedrera, Dalí. Arquitectura, 19-6-1996 - 25-8-1996, cat. no. 21
- 2000, Hartford, Connecticut, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Dalí's optical illusions, 21-1-2000 - 26-3-2000, cat. no. 6
- 2002, Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Dalí : Gradiva, 21-5-2002 - 8-9-2002, cat. no. 4
- 2007, London, Tate Modern, Dalí & Film, 1-6-2007 - 9-9-2007, il. 21
- 2011, Riehen/Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Surrealism in Paris, 2-10-2011 - 29-1-2012, p. 240
- 2012, París, Centre Pompidou, Dalí, 21-11-2012 - 25-3-2013, p. 127
- 2013, Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Dalí. Todas las sugestiones poéticas y todas las posibilidades plásticas, 27-4-2013 - 2-9-2013, p. 237
- Salvador Dalí, L'Ane pourri|Déclaration|[Fotografies de l'Âge d'Or]|[Il·lustració], Librairie José Corti, Paris, 1930, n. p. (2 details)
- s. a., "[L'Homme invisible (il.)]", Le Surréalisme Au Service de la Révolution, 31/07/1930, Paris, n. p. (detail)
- René Crevel, Dalí ou l'anti-obscurantisme, Éditions Surréalistes, Paris, 1931, il. III (detail), il. IV (detail)
- Joan Sacs, "El cas Salvador Dalí", Mirador, 16/03/1933, Barcelona, p. 7 (detail)
- James Thrall Soby, After Picasso, Dodd, Mead, New York, 1935, il. 56 (detail)
- Salvador Dalí, La Conquête de l'irrationnel, Éditions Surréalistes, Paris, 1935, il. 4 (detail)
- Sebastià Gasch, "Unes declaracions sensacionals de Carl Einstein", Meridià, 06/05/1938, Barcelona, p. 4 (detail)
- James Thrall Soby, Salvador Dalí, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1941, p. 36 (detail)
- Salvador Dalí, The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí, Dial Press, New York, 1942, p. XIV (detail)
- André Breton, Le Surréalisme et la peinture : suivi de Genèse et perspectives artistiques du surréalisme et de fragments inédits, Brentano's, New York, 1945, n. p.
- Le Surréalisme en 1947, Maeght, Pierre à Feu, Paris, 1947, p. III (indirect image)
- Gullermo De Torre, "El "caso" Dali", La Nacion, 25/01/1953, Buenos Aires, n. p. (detail)
- Dalí, Les Éditions du Chêne, Paris, 1957, p. 4
- Salvador Dalí, "The king and the queen traversed by swift nudes", Art News, 30/04/1959, New York, N.y., p. 24 (indirect image)
- Salvador Dalí, 1910-1965, The Foundation for Modern Art, New York, 1965, p. 59
- Paul H. Walton, Dali / Miró, Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1967, il. 5
- Max. Gérard, Dalí de Draeger, Blume, Barcelona, 1968, il. 87 (detail), il. 91 (detail), il. 158 (detail)
- William S. Rubin, Dada, surrealism, and their heritage, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1968, p. 112
- Patrick Waldberg, Les Initiateurs du surréalisme, Unesco, Albin Michel, [París], [S.l.], 1969, p. 32
- Whitney Chadwick, "Masson's Gradiva: The Metamorphosis of a Surrealist Myth*", The Art Bulletin, 30/12/1970, New York, n. p.
- Robert Descharnes, "Los Dalí del Museo Dalí", Gaceta Ilustrada, año XIX, nº 941, 20-26/10/1974, Madrid, p. 69
- Le Surréalisme, XXe siècle, Paris, 1975, p. [62] (indirect image) (detail)
- Luis Romero, Todo Dalí en un rostro, Blume, Madrid, Barcelona, 1975, p. 198
- Calvin Tomkins, Duchamp et son temps : 1887-1968, Time-Life International, Nederland, 1978, p. 141
- Malcolm Haslam, The Real world of the surrealists, Gallery Press, New York, 1978, p. 243 (indirect image)
- Robert Descharnes, S. Terayama, Dalí: the book of great masters, Zauho, Tokyo, 1978, il. 27
- Petit journal Salvador Dalí, Centre Georges Pompidou, [París], 1979, p. 7
- Salvador Dalí: rétrospective, 1920-1980, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art moderne, Paris, 1979, p. 247
- Hommage à Dalí, Vilo, Paris, 1980, p. 40
- Salvador Dalí, The Tate Gallery, London, 1980, il. 49
- Salvador Dalí, Sì. La rivoluzione paranoico-critica. L'arcangelismo scientifico, Rizzoli, Milano, 1980, p. 37
- Josep Pla, Salvador Dalí (il.), Obres de museu, DASA, Figueres, 1981, p. 71
- Rétrospective Salvador Dalí 1982, Edition Art Life, [S.l.], 1982, p. 35, Il. 8
- Dawn Ades, Dalí and surrealism, Harper & Row, New York, 1982, p. 118
- 400 obras de Salvador Dalí de 1914 a 1983, Obra Cultural de la Caixa de Pensions, [Madrid], 1983, p. 98
- Distribucions d'art surrealista, Distribucions d'Art Surrealista, Barcelona, 1983, p. 10
- El Surrealismo, Cátedra, Madrid, 1983, p. [135]
- Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Dalí, Polígrafa, Barcelona, 1983, il. 48
- Francisco Nieva, "El príncipe representó a dalí", Pueblo, 16/04/1983, Madrid, p. 35 (indirect image)
- Eduard Fornes i Gili, "Cuatrociantas obras de Dalí", LA VANGUARDIA, 05/06/1983, Barcelona, n. p. (detail)
- Duchamp, Fundació Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona, 1984, p. 24 (indirect image) (detail), p. 221 (indirect image) (detail)
- Antonio D. Olano, Nacimiento, vida, pasión, muerte, resurrección y gloria de Salvador, Domingo, Felipe, Jacinto Dalí Doménech, Cusí y Farrés, Marqués de Dalí y Púbol, Dyrsa, Madrid, 1985, p. 316 (detail)
- Takahiko Okada, Dalí, Shueisha, [S.l.], 1986, p. 21
- Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989, Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, 1989, p. 76
- Jaume Socias Palau, "Fin y comienzo de Salvador Dalí", Goya, Revista de Arte, 01/02/1989, Madrid, p. 216
- Los Dalís de Dalí: colección del museo nacional centro de arte reina Sofía, Centro cultural/Arte contemporaneo, México D. F., 1990, p. 111
- A. B. Tello, Salvador Dalí, Vilmar, Barcelona, 1990, p. 32
- Picasso, Miró, Dalí y los orígenes del arte contemporáneo en España : 1900-1936, Schirn Kunsthalle, MNCARS, Madrid, Francfort, 1991, p. 155
- François Mathey, Art : graphisme des annees 40, Seuil, Regard, Paris, 1991, p. 204 (indirect image)
- Luis Romero, PsicoDálico Dalí, Mediterranea, Barcelona, 1991, p. 61
- Alessandr Rogin, [Salvador Dalí : el mite i la realitat], Republica, Moscou, 1992, p. 34 (detail)
- Marcel Duchamp, Thames & Hudson, London, 1993, p. 43 (indirect image) (detail)
- A. Reynolds Morse, Dali's animal crackers, Salvador Dalí Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1993, p. 163 (2 details)
- Jaime Brihuega, Miró y Dalí: los grandes surrealistas, Anaya, Madrid, 1993, p. 61
- Dalí, the early years : talks and events, Hayward Gallery, London, 1994, n. p.
- Dalí, the early years, Hayward Gallery, London, 1994, n. p.
- Dalí, Cercle d'Art, Paris, 1994, il. 20
- Dalí joven, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, 1994/95, n. p.
- Salvador Dalí: the early years, South Bank Centre, [London], 1994, p. 192
- Salvador Dalí, Polígrafa, Barcelona, 1994, il. 20
- Bruce Altshuler, The Avant-garde in exhibition : new art in the 20th century, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1994, p. 118 (indirect image)
- Marco Di Capua, Dalí, Librairie Gründ, Paris, 1994, p. 99
- Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí, 1904 -1989, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1994, p. 147
- Whitney Chadwick, Mith in surrealist painting 1929-1939: Dalí, Ernst, Masson, UMI Dissertation Service, [Michigan], 1994, p. 296
- Dalí. Arquitectura, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Fundació Caixa de Catalunya, [Barcelona], [Figueres], 1996, p. 141
- Christopher Masters, Dalí, Phaidon, London, 1996, p. 63
- Gilles Néret, Salvador Dalí : 1904-1989, Evergreen (Benedikt Taschen), [Köln], 1996, p. 25
- Haim Finkelstein, Salvador Dalí's art and writing, 1927-1942 : the metamorphoses of Narcissus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, p. 200
- Ralf Schiebler, Dalí : genius, obsession and lust, Prestel, Munich - New York, 1996, p. 51, p. 52 (detail)
- Charlie Azzopardi, Salvador Dalí, the eternal hero, Avon Books, London, 1997, p. 31
- Eduardo Subirats, Linterna mágica : vanguardia, media y cultura, Siruela, Madrid, 1997, p. 59
- Gérard Durozoi, Histoire du mouvement surréaliste, Hazan, Paris, 1997, p. 148
- Ian Gibson, The Shameful life of Salvador Dalí, Faber and Faber, London, 1997, il. 70
- Robert Radford, Dalí, Phaidon, London, 1997, p. 138
- Salvador Dalí, Parkstone, England, 1999, p. 55
- Agustín Sánchez Vidal, Salvador Dalí, Electa, Madrid, 1999, p. 32 (detail)
- Dalí's optical illusions, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut, 2000, p. 79
- Luis Buñuel y el surrealismo, Museo de Teruel, Teruel, 2000, p. 174
- Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. What's on calendar, Wadswoth Ahteneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT, 2000, p. 6
- Christopher Green, Art in France : 1900- 1940, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2000, p. 277
- Simposio "Happening, Fluxus y otros comportamientos artísticos de la segunda mitad del siglo XX ": Ponencias y Comunicaciones, Editora Regional de Extremadura, Mérida, 2001, p. 114 (indirect image)
- Alberto Mario Perrone, Salvador Dalí, escándalo, transgresión y genio, Longseller, Buenos Aires, 2001, p. 82
- Dalí : Gradiva, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Fundación Caja Madrid, Madrid, 2002, p. 59
- Gérard Durozoi, History of the surrealist movement, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London, 2002, p. 142
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Salvador Dalí : désirs inassouvis du purisme au surréalisme, 1925-1935, La Passage, Paris-New York, 2002, il. 28
- Joan Castellar-Gassol, Dalí : una vida perversa, Edicions de 1984, Barcelona, 2002, p. II
- Juan Antonio Ramírez, Dalí: lo crudo y lo podrido, A. Machado Libros, Madrid, 2002, p. 74
- Les Essentiels de l'art Dalí, Ludion, Amsterdam, 2003, p. 85
- The Endless enigma : Dalí and the magicians of multiple meaning, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2003, p. 112
- The Portable Dalí, Universe, New York, 2003, p. 85
- Lluís Llongueras, Todo Dalí : vida y obra del personaje más genial y espectacular del siglo XX, Generalitat de Catalunya, [Barcelona], 2003, p. LX
- Ricard Mas Peinado, Universdalí, Lunwerg, Barcelona, Madrid, 2003, p. 59 (detail), p. 134
- Salvador Dalí, Obra completa : Textos autobiográficos 1, Destino, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, [Madrid], [Figueres], Barcelona, 2003, n. p. (detail)
- Dalí, Bompiani, [Milà], 2004, p. 130 (indirect image) (detail), p. 178
- Huellas dalinianas, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, Madrid, 2004, p. 57
- José María Hinojosa 1904-1936 : entre dos luces, Centro Cultural de la Generación del 27, [Málaga], 2004, p. 119 (detail)
- Persistence and memory : new critical perspectives on Dalí centennial, Bompiani, [Milà], 2004, p. 28 (detail) (reversed image)
- Salvador Dalí i Federico García Lorca : la persistència de la memòria, Viena, Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura., Barcelona, 2004, p. 139
- Enric Bou, Daliccionario : objetos, mitos y símbolos de Salvador Dalí, Tusquets, Barcelona, 2004, p. 11
- Jean-Christophe Argillet, Le Siècle de Dali, Timée-Editions, Boulogne, 2004, p. 32
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dalí : master of fantasies, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2004, p. 76, p. 76 (detail)
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dali : le grand paranoïaque, Découvertes Gallimard Arts, Paris, 2004, p. 76
- Jean-Louis Gaillemin, Dalí the impresario of surrealism, Thames & Hudson, London, 2004, p. 76, p. 76 (detail)
- Luis-Salvador López Herrero, La Cara oculta de Salvador Dalí, Síntesis, Madrid, 2004, p. 51
- Patrice Schmitt, Étude psychanalytique de la création chez Salvador Dalí, Lacour-Ollé, Nimes, 2004, il. 1.2
- Tonia Raquejo, Dalí: metamorfosis, Edilupa, [Madrid], 2004, p. 84 (detail)
- Dalí, Unidad Editorial, [S.l.], 2005, p. 115, p. 180
- Lucía García de Carpi, Salvador Dalí, Ambos Mundos, Salamanca, 2005, p. 89, p. 130 (detail)
- Salvador Dalí : La gare de Perpignan - Pop, Op, Yes-yes, Pompier, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, 2006, p. 113
- Dalí & film, Tate Publishing, London, 2007, p. 44
- Dalís medienspiele: falsche fährten und paranoische selbstinszenierungen in den künsten, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2007, p. 168
- Agustín Sánchez Vidal, Salvador Dalí, Fundación Mapfre. Instituto de Cultura, Madrid, 2007, p. 47
- Gavin Parkinson, Surrealism, art and modern science : relativity, quantum mechanics, epistemology, Yale University, New Haven & London, 2008, p. 182
- Mª Mercè Riera i Arnijas, Dalí, Ciro, [Barcelona], 2008, p. 77, p. 139
- Un perro andaluz 80 años después, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, La Fábrica, Madrid, 2009, p. 41
- Montse Aguer i Teixidor, Los tesoros de Salvador Dalí, Librería Universitaria, Barcelona, 2009, p. 41
- Surrealism in Paris, Hatje Kantz, Basilea, 2011, p. 240
- Surreal objects : three-dimensional works from Dalí to Man Ray, Hatje Cantz, Schirn Kunsthalle, Ostfildern, Frankfurt, 2011, p. 23 (indirect image)
- Catherine Grenier, Salvador Dalí : l'invention de soi, Flammarion, Paris, 2011, p. 108
- Ralf Schiebler, Dalí : the reality of dreams, Prestel, New York, Munich, London, 2011, p. 51, p. 52 (detail)
- Dalí, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2012, p. 127
- Roger Rothman, Tiny surrealism : Salvador Dalí and the aesthetics of the small, University of Nebraska, Lincoln & London, 2012, p. 72
- Shûzô Takigushi, Dalí : Tokio, 1939, Notari, Genève, 2012, il. 9 (indirect image) (detail), il. 10 (indirect image) (detail), il. 11 (indirect image) (detail)
- Daniel R. Caruncho, Salvador Dalí, las obras de su vida, Dos de Arte, Barcelona, 2015, p. 24
- Dawn Ades, Writings on art and anti-art, Ridinghouse, London, 2015, p. 498
The copyright on Salvador Dalí's works, included those that are reproduced in this Web page, is held by the Spanish State and has been granted in exclusivity to the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí.
Pursuant to intellectual property laws in force, the total or partial reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication, interactively making available to the public, as well as any other exploitation, by any means, of the works included in this Web page is prohibited.
Any exploitation of Salvador Dalí's works is subject to the prior application and clearance of the relevant licence issued by VEGAP (tel. 91 532 66 32 and 93 201 03 31 ; www.vegap.es). Copyright infringement will be prosecuted according to Laws.