Cat. no. P

Salvador Dali en train de peindre Gala dans «L’Apothéose du Dollar», à gauche duquel on peut voir Marcel Duchamp déguisé en Louis XIV derrière un rideau wermeerien, qui n’est pas un rideau mais le visage invisible quoique monumental de l’Hermès de Praxitèle (Salvador Dali in the Act of Painting Gala in the 'Apotheosis of the Dollar', on the Left of Whom One Can See Marcel Duchamp Disguised as Louis XIV behind a Vermeerian Curtain, Which Is Not a Curtain but the Invisible yet Monumental Face of ‘Hermes’ by Praxiteles)

Apotheosis of the Dollar

Salvador Dali in the Act of Painting Gala in the 'Apotheosis of the Dollar', on the Left of Whom One Can See Marcel Duchamp Disguised as Louis XIV behind a Vermeerian Curtain, Which Is Not a Curtain but the Invisible yet Monumental Face of ‘Hermes’ by Praxiteles

Cat. no. P 806

Salvador Dali in the Act of Painting Gala in the 'Apotheosis of the Dollar', on the Left of Whom One Can See Marcel Duchamp Disguised as Louis XIV behind a Vermeerian Curtain, Which Is Not a Curtain but the Invisible yet Monumental Face of ‘Hermes’ by Praxiteles



Oil on canvas
400 x 498 cm
Signed on the front, lower middle: Dalí / 1965
Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres